2024 Popcorn Fundraiser is Aug. 10-Oct. 26, 2024

Scouting is Powered by Popcorn!

Money raised from the sale helps pay the majority of Scout costs for Pack 818’s events. This enables us to keep the cost of Scouting low for families. Scouts “earn their way” while supporting the Pack & Council. Additionally, part of the Scouting philosophy is to reward Scouts for a job well done. In addition to funding our Pack and Council, the Popcorn Sale offers Scouts the opportunity to earn rewards for their fundraising efforts! 

Where does the money go? On average, over 70% of every $1 goes back to local Scouting. Approximately half of that goes to fund our Pack’s activities, while the other half supports our local council.

The popcorn sale is not about selling popcorn, it’s about promoting Scouting and gaining valuable life skills!
Thank you to all our Pack families who support our fundraising efforts to offer an exciting year of Scouting for our Pack!

Ways to Sell

View the Pack 818 Popcorn Guide and other resources below for more information.
Questions? Contact Joe Natale, Pack 818 Acting Popcorn Kernel, joseph.natale@gmail.com.

Resources to Download